Easter Redesign Did you notice that after blogging every day of the Lenten season, my site went through a redesign? It went live the day after Easter. These days, I’m all about living more simply and I think the redesign…
The Most Important Post You Will Read On My Blog
It’s December 31, 2014–the last day of the year. Not that I’ve had much time to myself lately, let alone time to think, but I have been reminiscing about the past year and trying to distill what I’ve learned into…
BlogHer 2014 Recap: 8 Things I Learned from the Conference
I was so excited to be able to attend the BlogHer 2014 Conference this year. It did not disappoint. I really enjoyed it and looking forward to attending more BlogHer conferences in the future. In this recap, I’ll start with…
Heading to the BlogHer 2014 Conference
It’s been crazy adjusting to life as a new mom. Some days are really rough, then other days Franco will give us a break and be mellow. I guess he’s moody just like his mommy! I’ve been working on getting…
Guaranteed Way to Make Money Blogging
To make money blogging, always remember that your blog is a business. It’s taken me a while to inculcate this into my brain, but it’s just as true for me as it is for you. I usually laughed along when…
How I Make Money Blogging
Mark your calendar. Next Monday, my post ‘Full-Proof Way to Make Money Blogging’ is going viral. I’ve spent a lot of time crafting and editing it, to ensure you have all the information you need to prosper in the world…
Bay Area Blogger Meetup
I went to the Alt SF conference last year, but I attended my first blogger meetup on Friday. It was hosted by the craft-fabulous Brit + Co in their new space which is two blocks away from my home. So…
Bloggers: Are you 100% confident your readers are getting your responses to their comments?
This is a public service announcement to the blogging community. Bloggers: Quality control your responses to comments! Your loyal readers are commenting and inputting their email addresses for a reason. They absolutely should be getting your responses returned to them…
Society of Socialpreneurs – Bloglovin’ Wednesday
I recently discovered the Society of Socialpreneurs, a social network for bloggers and home-based business owners. I love their website which has lots of different directories for discovering new bloggers. I encourage you to check it out and add each…
Why I’m Not Going to the Alt SLC Blogging Conference
I had my heart set on going to the Altitude Summit Salt Lake City (Alt SLC) conference which is one of the most well-regarded of all the blog conferences. But when registration was announced and I saw the fee, I…