For the month of January, Dean and I participated in a weight loss challenge with other couples in our town. Entry was $40 with a winner for men, women and couple splitting the pot based on percentage weight loss. As…
What Would Jesus Do?
Wowzers, so much is going on! Last night was Mardi Gras. Diet, be damned, I snacked on Girl Scout cookies throughout the day and had a lovely glass of Cabernet at Maven bar/restaurant in the Haight after my acupuncture appointment….
Nutrition 101
Finally, I have 1 nice thing to say about Kaiser. Well actually I have 2. First, they treat their employees really well: pension, generous 401k match, excellent vacation time, you name it. It’s great to work for Kaiser, but sucks…
That’s All Well and Good
Time for a lifestyle, fitness, health status update. I started seeing a new acupuncturist today. I found her after doing some research; she was awarded best SF acupuncturist by the San Francisco A-List. I also gravitated toward her undergraduate background:…
The All Fat-Consuming Skinny Girl
The facts: I eat the following every work day: a) either a small plate of eggs and sausage or a large cup of oatmeal that I dump about half a cup of brown sugar in, b) either a bag of…
Soda is bad. I’ve always known it. But that fact never stopped me from consuming a can a day. I don’t drink coffee (never liked how it made me feel) so drinking soda was my own way of caffeinating. Instead…