Finally, I have 1 nice thing to say about Kaiser. Well actually I have 2. First, they treat their employees really well: pension, generous 401k match, excellent vacation time, you name it. It’s great to work for Kaiser, but sucks…
That’s All Well and Good
Time for a lifestyle, fitness, health status update. I started seeing a new acupuncturist today. I found her after doing some research; she was awarded best SF acupuncturist by the San Francisco A-List. I also gravitated toward her undergraduate background:…
The All Fat-Consuming Skinny Girl
The facts: I eat the following every work day: a) either a small plate of eggs and sausage or a large cup of oatmeal that I dump about half a cup of brown sugar in, b) either a bag of…
Soda is bad. I’ve always known it. But that fact never stopped me from consuming a can a day. I don’t drink coffee (never liked how it made me feel) so drinking soda was my own way of caffeinating. Instead…
Fashion Friday: Sleep
Heather Graham’s beauty secret is that she tries to get 11-12 hours of sleep a night. I guess actresses can afford that kind of luxury! I don’t function well on too much sleep. An abundance of rest actually makes me…