We spent Thanksgiving locally here in the Bay Area. The following day I volunteered at my high school’s homecoming event. By the time Sunday rolled around, I was itching to get out of town. I spent Saturday night researching places…
Championship Sunday
Well that was exciting. 3 point spreads, with one game going into overtime. Are they always that exciting? Can’t remember last year’s. All these games are a blur. Sucks that the Niners lost, but it was fun while it lasted….
Rituals and Celebrations
A couple weeks ago, I spent my lunch hour going to mass at Old St. Mary’s on the corner of California and Grant for a holy day of obligation. These are days when you are obligated to go to church…
Lazy Sunday in LA
Back to our trip to LA. All the pictures have finally been downloaded and compiled! You can take a look at my Facebook profile and find the LA photo album for a complete set of pictures. On Sunday, we rented…