Words of wisdom from my favorite financial guru MJ DeMarco. Unspoken Truth You’ll likely end up dead before you can enjoy the fruit of retirement. The average life expectancy is about 77 years old. That means, nearly half of us…
5 Most Important Books
I follow a website on Twitter called the Daily Post. Every day it poses an interesting query like: What would it take to get you to move? What would you like 200 more of? A few days ago, the topic…
Money Monday: Value Your Time
One of the things MJ DeMarco talks about in his book—that I read while I’m sitting on the pot—is how little people value their time. He characterizes these people as living in the Slowlane and we see it all the…
Money Monday: The Millionaire Fa$tlane
I’m reading what I consider the best book on achieving financial well-being. It’s called The Millionaire Fastlane by MJ DeMarco. Let me preface by saying this book has 121 Amazon reviews of which 110 of them are 5 stars. There…