One of the things MJ DeMarco talks about in his book—that I read while I’m sitting on the pot—is how little people value their time. He characterizes these people as living in the Slowlane and we see it all the time. Did you all get that email about the $1 deal for lunch today at various restaurants throughout the city? A handful of people must’ve forwarded that to me which means there were probably people waiting in line from 11am-2pm today.
I hate waiting in line. I won’t do it. It is a waste. As he says, if you’re waiting in line for some chump change deal, you do not value your time. I value my time—very much so. And this is how I prove it.
I have a bad-ass personal assistant who helps me power through my to-do list.
I very rarely leave the comfort of my computer to shop. I buy almost 90% of my goods through Amazon. I do not waste my time, trying something on, waiting at the register. I do a few clicks, and voila, that package is going to be at my desk in two days. It doesn’t matter what it is. Books, earplugs, Krazy glue, soap, earmuffs, tile. I get all that shit online.
On a daily basis, I do not wear makeup. Cut the crap! My morning routine is quick and swift. I shower, blow-dry my hair, curl my eyelashes, drink a box of chocolate soy milk, and I’m ready to go.
I don’t live too far from work. It’s definitely walkable, but instead I let the cable cars transport me. Instead of walking briskly, I’m reading a book waiting for cable cars to take me north, south, east, and west, to and from work.
As much as possible, I try to fly direct even if the flight is pricier. Again, how much do you value your time? Is your time so meaningless that you’ll do stop-overs for a cheaper deal? I also try to fly Virgin which is the best because of the wireless internet.
Waiting is one of my biggest pet peeves which is why I typically stay away from restaurants where there’s a wait. Waiting is for dummies. And if I do have to wait, I’ll have a book in hand.
What are some of the things you do to value your time?
L. Braun Hubbard
One of the best uses of my time is the time I spend remembering America before the liberals destroyed it. This is an excellent use of my time as it makes me happy. I like to be happy since normal people like me don’t have much occasion to be happy since more and more people are turning out to be liberal thanks to: marijuana suddenly considered to be health food, degenerate idiot t.v. and lib brainwashing news, and a public (and private) education system that is controlled by big fat commiee rat lib retards with an agenda created by satan himself.
Ah, see, back when I lived a mile and a half from work, I walked briskly so I could justifiably skip the gym; on the way to work, I would listen to a podcast of the previous evening’s Marketplace, and a podcast of highlights from the day’s news on the way home. It took about 10 minutes longer than taking the bus, but felt much more productive (but that’s also because I can’t read on a bus, much to my chagrin). Mind you, this was in Chicago – I walked through many a snowstorm and 90+ degree day. Good times!