Did anyone see in the news that Bruno Mars’s Filipino mom died of a brain aneurysm…at the age of 55?! She was a dancer so I have to believe she was fit and otherwise healthy. When I hear about people…
A Gift I Cannot Give to My Child
Quick update on all things real estate. I have been giggling that Dean is now a part-time stager. The guy has single-handedly staged my condo. I don’t even provide feedback anymore because he completely disregards my suggestions. When you see…
Food Glorious Food
Filipinos are all about food. You will never attend a Filipino party and be wanting for more food. There was such a culinary abundance at the reception that people took food to go. Seriously. I no longer eat chicken unless…
Moral Hazard
Several days before my birthday, my little (under 21 years old) cousin had a baby. When I asked who was going to help fund the pregnancy, I learned that she, the baby, and the majority of the labor and delivery…
Chink in the Armor: That’s Funny
In the flurry of Linsanity and Jeremy Lin’s epic rise to fame, an ESPN editor was fired for his “Chink in the Armor” headline after the Knicks’ game-winning streak came to an end. Am I the only person in the…
Got Religion?
This is a rant, mainly because I can’t stand hypocritical people. There are those of us who are religious and those of us who aren’t. And let’s face it, there really aren’t any ‘tweeners. You either believe or you don’t….
Birds of a Feather
I wouldn’t call it a nightly ritual, but often enough to call it a ritual: the act of browsing, selecting, and savoring See’s Candies. Unfortunately for me, there is a See’s across the street from the 2 Clement bus which…
Random Post on Top Chef Texas
For a girl who doesn’t cook, I sure do love cooking shows, especially competitive cooking shows where you start to have favorites as the season progresses. Paul is my man. Gotta root for the Filipino, just like I’ll always root for Pacquiao….
Take it Easy
If you’re like me, when you go on vacation you want to make the most of it. So much so that when you return home, you feel like you need another vacation. One that’s more laid back. However I don’t…
Money Monday: Get Rich Quick Scheme
I’m giving all y’all an opportunity to cash in on my business idea. I’m not creative enough to make the product so I cannot execute. However, this is something I want which means there is a market out there! It…