After consulting with my nutritionist, I researched a specific B vitamin that she suggested I look into to help with PCOS. I found the following helpful information on the PCOS nutrition website. Inositol is a member of the B-vitamins and…
Eating for 1, Dreaming of 2
I am that person who scoffs at lactose intolerance. They say Asians tend to be lactose-intolerant. I say the phobia is in your head. On the California ballet, I vigorously nixed Proposition 37’s Right to Know initiative which would have…
The All Fat-Consuming Skinny Girl
The facts: I eat the following every work day: a) either a small plate of eggs and sausage or a large cup of oatmeal that I dump about half a cup of brown sugar in, b) either a bag of…
Are You Lacking Brain Cells? Kaiser is Hiring Retards
Are you ready for another KAISER IS SHIT post? Before I get into yet another tirade, let me delve into a little background. I am a life-long Kaiser patient. During my teenage years, I was at Kaiser every month seeing a…
Does Acupuncture Even Work? A Pissed Off Patient is Wondering
I’ve been seeing my acupuncturist for over 4 months now. The whole point is to get pregnant by regulating my periods which sadly have been occurring less frequently ever since I became a patient. My period finally came today, a…
Injection Dysfunction
I am so down. We were instructed not to try and conceive for the next several months. What a setback. I feel such sadness, such anger–but not sure who to direct it to. Myself, Kaiser, my doctors? I have been…
Pins and Needles
She’s a god of fertility, a miracle worker when it comes to treating barren women. I’ve gone to a handful of acupuncturists, but decided this time, to take it to the mother lode. Located in none other than the 26-story…