I am so down. We were instructed not to try and conceive for the next several months. What a setback. I feel such sadness, such anger–but not sure who to direct it to. Myself, Kaiser, my doctors?
I have been getting botox injections for hyperhydrosis for years. It’s become so routine I wasn’t necessarily thinking that the toxin can harm a fetus. Maybe it’s my fault for not being proactive and asking the question. The issue only came to light after the injections were done and my dermatologist happened to ask how things were going. I happened to mention that we were trying to have a kid at which point she furrowed her eyebrows. She calmly said that I was not to have botox done if I were to become pregnant, and she herself questioned out loud why dermatologists do not ask whether or not a patient is pregnant.
One week later, I’m days away from ovulating and decided to pose the question to my reproductive endocrinologist on whether it’s prudent to even try and conceive. The nurse called back to say that the team has agreed I am not to try until the effects of the botox have worn off which can be 6 months or more! I am crushed. If I’d known, I obviously would have stopped botox long ago.
Doesn’t it seem like the pregnancy question should be a procedural one during botox injections? Isn’t one of the benefits of Kaiser having an integrated medical record and plan? I am beyond upset right now.
Wow I just read this post. Sorry I’ve been MIA. That is terrible! I am so sorry to hear about what you’re going through.
I am very proud of you, though, for standing up for your baby-to-be. Already thinking like a MOMMY.