In the past, I’ve done the Master Cleanse which is essentially drinking as much lemonade (sweetened with maple syrup) as your heart desires. If you want to follow the exact details of the cleanse, then you would drink an herbal…
Fashion Friday: Pick Your Diet, They All Work
I read about this new diet called the Fast Diet, devised by a British doctor. The tag line for the book is ‘eat what you like..most of the time.’ How it works is you consume whatever your heart desires, but…
What Would Jesus Do?
Wowzers, so much is going on! Last night was Mardi Gras. Diet, be damned, I snacked on Girl Scout cookies throughout the day and had a lovely glass of Cabernet at Maven bar/restaurant in the Haight after my acupuncture appointment….
I’ve Gone Viral!
I have the flu! I am so miserable. I felt it coming on Friday night, then Saturday morning I was feverish and achy. I have every flu symptom imaginable. My head is throbbing. I am horribly congested. My cough sound…
Soda is bad. I’ve always known it. But that fact never stopped me from consuming a can a day. I don’t drink coffee (never liked how it made me feel) so drinking soda was my own way of caffeinating. Instead…
The Weekend in List Form
Saturday Slept in. This is a luxury I cannot fathom giving up. I have been sleeping in on weekends since I was born. I remember talking to a friend about how I sleep in until around 11am almost every weekend…