I have a set of housing criteria which filter out some real housing gems. One of these criteria is a parking spot which this condo in the Inner Richmond does not have. It’s already in contract and I swear if…
I’m Homeless!
Well that was a downer. To watch Cal lose their lead, then ultimately lose the game was heart-breaking. Ugh. Before I get entrenched with work this week, I wanted to quickly post that we definitively sold my condo. I mentioned…
Money Monday: Real Estate Bubble
Hey people, if you haven’t noticed, we are experiencing a housing bubble: skyrocketing rents, zero inventory, and astronomical offers in terms of both volume and price. This is not the time to buy. Back away, people. Back away! I’m completely…
Money Monday: Retirement Property for the Price of a Car
Did anyone see this article today in the NYTimes about retirement condos in Florida? The woman featured in the article recently purchased her 2-bedroom condo for $26,900. Are you kidding me? Can we all make a pact to buy one…
I Will Sell This House Today!
Clock is ticking, people. You don’t want to miss this opportunity to buy a walk-in closet in the heart of San Francisco for half a million dollars. I mean, seriously, who in their right mind would pass on my humble…
Open House
Yesterday was the first day we didn’t go to my condo and play Mr. & Mrs. Fix It. Instead we had the first open house. My agent said that 60 separate groups came by to take a look. Barely 3…
Saturday in Pictures
Final touch-ups on the house sale: painting the common area, washing the graffiti off the garage door, sweeping and cleaning all common areas. —– Our microwave broke so we found this one on Craiglist and picked it up in North…
Money Monday: Home for Sale
I know it’s not Monday and I’ve been delayed on my posting, but here’s why. My 1 bedroom condo in Lower Pacific Heights is now up on MLS and available for purchase! Get out your check books, people. It’s listed…
Loaves and Fishes Jesus
Selling a home has got to rank as one of the top most stressful life events, right behind getting married or moving across the country. We spent all weekend at my condo, painting, cleaning, staging. What drives me nuts is…
Money Monday: We Retired Early
My friend and fellow Burner, Amazing Affinity, has recently retired and gosh, am I envious. Despite her “life of leisure,” she is a fervent supporter of the arts and has been a rockstar volunteer for the Black Rock Arts Foundation…