Wow, that was a long absence. I’ve neglected blogging to focus on my career and financial well-being. Thrilled to report that the weeks of interviewing and hard work yielded the perfect result. I’m extremely happy and feel truly blessed. I…
Money Monday: Interviewing
This post is really only related to money in that I’ve been interviewing lately and your job is how you make money and support your family. Interviewing is like any other skill. If you don’t do it, you lose it….
Ladies Who Lunch
Instead of stressing out and back-posting, I’m just going to skip that week since I was on vacation and everyone deserves a break. I had lunch today with a friend who I don’t meet with often, but when I do,…
What Do You Do?
Several months back I got into a discussion with some friends about our lack of awareness of each others’ occupations. “Do you even know what I do?” One asked. I stammered, “You’re like an engineer or something like that right?…