I have no qualms stating that I used to be a Republican—even though I’m decidedly pro-choice, pro-affirmative action, went to one of the most liberal universities in the country, and live in a very liberal locale. I was proud to…
Why I Am Voting for Obama
I am an independent voter and an independent thinker. I do not align myself with any party and hence do not vote along party lines. For many years, I was a registered Republican. I have never been a Democrat. I…
I’ve been overwhelmingly busy, too busy to blog. But I’ve been reading about the health care reform regarding birth control. Initially Obama’s plan required religiously-affiliated organizations to pay for birth control. Obviously the Catholic Church is opposed, voicing freedom to…
Quotes from Senator Alan Simpson
Daniel sent me a funny article in response to my Planned Parenthood post. “Read your blog this morning. The article below seems apropo. I don’t know anything else about this guy that is not in the article below, but I…
Money Monday: The Budget
I wanted to share my opinion today on the budget–THE budget–as in the federal budget that’s slated to cut $38 billion in spending for the year. The fact that the measure was not finalized until the last minute because of…