I have no qualms stating that I used to be a Republican—even though I’m decidedly pro-choice, pro-affirmative action, went to one of the most liberal universities in the country, and live in a very liberal locale. I was proud to be aligned with the conservative party because, for the most part, at its core, the Republican party encapsulated exactly what I stood for then and what I stand for now: self-government and accountability!
Can you imagine how enterprising this country would be if there were no unions, no unemployment benefits, no welfare? That’s a draconian view point, but consider it for a second. Instead of outsized taxes, we could retain more of our hard-earned dollars for ourselves, for our own families instead of socialist causes?
I’m liberal with my abortion stance because until we can get intelligent on educating our children about safe sex, then they should not have to pay the price of teenaged pregnancy. As for affirmative action, I often hear the protest from other Asians, “Why should I be penalized because my parents expected me to work hard and study hard? Why should a coveted spot that I deserve go to a minority?” Well because our parents weren’t enslaved for hundreds of years, alright! Because our ethnic group didn’t have land taken away and we didn’t have to live on a reservation, ok! Does affirmative action make sense to you now?
I became Independent more because of my support for a Democratic candidate, not because I was renouncing the Republican party. But now the Grand Old Party has evolved into the opposite of why I had joined in the first place—due to insensitivities proclaimed by its very own chosen leaders.
Representative Todd Akin: If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.
Senate Candidate Richard Mourdock: Even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that is something that God intended to happen.
Republicans are supposed to believe in limited governance, yet the messages spewing from these despicable leaders say that government should control what happens to women’s reproductive rights. I’ll say it again: White males, please refrain from making another comment on what women should be doing with their bodies.
GOP, do you understand why you are losing? Republicans needs to take accountability for alienating women, immigrants, minorities, and the LGBT. Stop telling every suspicious immigrant that they need to prove their status. Stop telling minorities that they don’t have a chance. Stop telling the LGBT who they can love.
This party has completely lost it—literally and figuratively.
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