Have you seen this viral video of thankfulness? I want to emulate that kind of gratitude every single day! I am thankful for the following and so much more:
- My beautiful son Franco who gives me joy and laughter every single day
- Dean for being a great father and hosting a wonderful Thanksgiving
- My parents for immigrating here and parenting my son
- My sister – I loved listening to her play the piano today
- My brother-in-law – always good to have a doctor in the family
- My nephews who are taller than me and will accomplish so much good in this world
- A great career and really enjoying what I do
- Going to St. Joseph Basilica this morning for Thanksgiving mass and realizing how much I love the community and how much they love Franco
- The priests at my church, who we gave a standing ovation to at the end of mass
- Franco’s piano teacher
- My good health
- Tina who lives a block away and makes us lumpia
- Being able to put on a cashmere sweater and down coat when it’s cold outside
The movie “A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood” has just come out to rave reviews and was directed by an alum from my high school. This morning I showed Franco an episode of Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood, hoping he would like it. He said he didn’t want to watch it, but I persisted. After it finished, he asked if we could watch another episode. Honestly, I had completely forgotten about the beautiful messages about self-love and kindness Mister Rogers tries to convey to the audience. It was mesmerizing! Highly recommend these vintage episodes for your child. They’re free on Amazon Prime Video or the Mister Rogers website.
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