I have the following memorized:
- Current credit card number
- Phone numbers: mine, Dean’s, my parent’s home phone
- Social security numbers: mine, Dean’s
- Cal student ID number (still remember it even though I graduated 20 years ago)
- The 50 states (sung to a song)
- The greek alphabet (sung to a song)
- All the presidents
- Pi to the 50th decimal place
- A few poems including the following
What happens to a dream deferred?
Does it dry up
Like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore–
And then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over–
like a syrupy sweet?
Maybe it just sags
like a heavy load.
Or does it explode?
– Langston Hughes
Your turn. Would love to know what’s stuck in your head and what you can pull from the depths of your memory.
Janine Huldie
I am mostly good with memorizing numbers. That probably has something to do with the ex-math teacher in me. But still I am much better remembering numbers versus names 🙂
Janine, I am so horrible with names! It goes in one ear and out the other. And each time I say, this time I’m going to remember! But I never do 🙁
Patrick Weseman
Besides the basics of my life, I have so many useless facts that it is sad. Like remembering all the California governors from the present to the 1930’s, stupid stuff like that.
I mean it is sad the useless amount of trivia that is floating around in my head. The other day, I was with some friends and a question came up about the Oscars and the Best Song category and I was able to answer it without looking it up.
I am a sad human being.
I love your random facts, Patrick. I think it’s super important to know the governors. You can totally educate me on stuff like that!
SAME. A Dream Deferred. I even wrote about it somewhat recently. Weird!
And I have memorized the lyrics to “Eternal Flame” by The Bangles and “Just Like Heaven” by The Cure.
Yes…Eternal Flame and the Bangles. Brings back memories of the 80s….the great 80s.