2017 wasn’t a great year for me. I’m the type of person who consistently puts together new year’s resolutions and for the most part, I’m good at achieving them. In 2017, I had 21 goals that fit under the following categories: relationships, personal growth, faith, health, financial, and career. I achieved 7 of them. 7/21 = 33%. FAIL!
One of my biggest resolutions was to find a new job, which I did, after 50+ interviews and 5+ job offers. Less noteworthy, I read 13 books and surpassed my goal of reading one book a month. Baby steps, people, baby steps.
I’ve resolved to make 2018 my best year ever.
To that end, my resolutions for 2018 are very specific, meaning they’re much more achievable than the lofty goals I put together last year like “Breathe and Be Present” or “Have More Work/Life Balance and Flexibility.” WTF. I should have known I wasn’t going to get anywhere with those.
I’m not going to list all my goals, but here’s a selection.
Mid-2017, I started to experience regular headaches. Nothing Advil couldn’t cure, but to this day, they’re unexplainable and mildly frustrating. As a result, I stopped having my daily dose of wine. I considered making my healthy new year’s resolution to go sober in 2018, but what I really need to figure out is the root of the problem. Hence the following goals:
- Get a physical.
- Stop taking sleeping pills.
- Work with a nutritionist.
Instead of resolving to spend more time with loved ones, my resolutions are, again, very specific:
- Disneyland for Franco’s 4th birthday.
- Lake Tahoe.
- Two girlfriend getaways.
For the first time ever, I don’t have any financial resolutions. I have scrimped, invested, negotiated, rented, sold, minimized and literally wrung every nickel and dime possible from our finances. It’s become so second-nature, it doesn’t need to be a focus anymore.
Personal Growth
Like many tech leaders, I’ve decided to drastically reduce my time on social media.
- Only scroll through Facebook once a week.
I haven’t scrolled through my Facebook feed in two weeks (since Christmas) and I’m quite proud of myself. Facebook was such a time drain and I’m looking forward to being more productive and reading books versus reading status updates!
My incentive was this talk by a former Facebook exec who said that we are all being programmed. Should be required viewing. I don’t want to be a mindless dud who wastes time by staring at Facebook. Shit. I want to get the money, be influential and fucking make a difference in this world.
What about you? Would love to hear how 2017 went for you and if you have any goals for 2018.
Patrick Weseman
2017 was interesting. A lot of work drama which is basically making me leave the job I have had for almost 22 years. I did learn that I have more integrity than the people I work with and that I have some standards.
Anyway my goal is what it is every year as Willie Nelson said, “Don’t Be an Asshole.”
Happy New Year to you.
Janine Huldie
Love how specific your resolutions and goals are for this year. And now what to wish you a very, Happy 2018 😉
With the exception of my sister, who had a second healthy baby after infertility issues, I think 2017 kinda sucked.
I have reduced social media a ton myself. Congrats on new job!
Well, I think your new job makes up for not achieving at least some of your other goals – that was a major investment of time and effort that paid off.
I’m with you on social media! It’s so nice to be unplugged, but it’s tough to do consistently.
I like your resolutions. They are almost like a really grand to do list. I seriously need to quit with the screen addiction too. It’s the worst. I have all but quit reading and I’m pretty sure screen time is to blame.