When I was pregnant with Franco, I felt a lot of things, least of which was joy. Mainly I was anxious and scared because I’d already had two miscarriages. I prayed a lot. I ate a lot too. I rested more than I ever had, especially for someone who doesn’t need much sleep to perform well. But as time wore on, I became more excited. I started to plan. I thought of our life together.
Now, I feel a lot of those same things. Although I am not pregnant with child. I’m pregnant with possibility – as defined in #2 below. This work week has been challenging, which has caused me to consider what changes I need to make to feel more fulfilled. I need more flexibility, more work-life balance, more autonomy. I was reading research that pointed to this as the main reason women leave the work force, but specifically in the financial services sector: women are not provided with flexible options and because they cannot give 100% to work (as they are used to doing) and devote quality time to their family, they quit altogether.
For quite some time, I’ve had an idea on very low simmer in the back of my mind, which recently turned aflame. I had this resolution to start my own consulting practice. But not business-to-business consulting, more like me-to-you consulting.
Here’s the genesis of it. At least a few times a year, I consult with a child psychologist. She has helped me as a new parent through an assortment of issues: helping Franco with his sleep routine, coming up with a positive transition when we wanted to fire our first nanny, and recently, providing me with research on early education. She’s the resource I turn to for all things Franco (health, behavior, societal, environmental).
But wouldn’t it be nice to be able to consult with someone for general life advice? What comes to mind is a life coach, but that’s not what I mean. Yes I’ve had life coaches, career coaches, therapists…resources who have truly helped guide me. But those are ongoing commitments where you have to fill out intake forms or contractually agree to a certain time period. I’m thinking of providing a service in which people can call me, tell me their situation, and I help solve the problem by advising, providing scenarios and resources.
Dean laughed when I told him this last night, but I interjected, “I’m serious. It would be so nice to just call or email someone who can give you an unbiased, insightful viewpoint for 15, 30, 60 minutes, whatever. No ongoing commitment. Just setup time on my calendar and let’s figure this shit out. I have 41 years of life experience and major street cred!”
I’m the target market for this type of service because it’s exactly what I need. I don’t have time to do online research or to text X friend for the Xth time. Plus no virtual assistant is going to have the business smarts to solve your problems.
Here are some real-life examples. People have contacted me about:
- Career advice and resume review
- Dating and reviewing their profiles
- Infertility and having a baby when medical professionals said the only way we could get pregnant was through IVF (We had Franco the natural way.)
- Blogging and social media
- Brand management and online presence
- Investing and real estate
- Tiger parenting
- Depression and therapy
- Resources, books and daily inspiration
What do you think? Plausible business idea or not? Not something people would pay for? Not sustainable? I would love to hear your honest, “that’s cockamamie,” feedback.
And I would love to know:
- Have you ever consulted, either as a side-project or full-time?
- Have you ever turned your passion into your career?
- Have you ever worked full-time in corporate, then did a complete turnaround to work for yourself?
I think this is friggin brilliant. Seriously. I totally 100% in all ways possible endorse and support this endeavor for you and I imagine you’d be unbelievably helpful to anyone looking for help in those areas.
Case in point–you were very helpful for me, too, where the whole fertility situation was concerned and the Fertile Heart Workshop is STILL BOOKMARKED and opened in a tab on my browser. I have to look into this. It scares me, but it was so very much appreciated and I loved that you shared this with me when I needed to hear one word–Hope.
Sometimes we just need an unbiased opinion. It’s like therapy, but for someone with real-life experience and knowledge in a variety of fields.
Yes, let me know how I can help and support you achieve your dreams 🙂
I think this idea has legs.. at least in your part of the world, where time is at a premium, there are a lot of high-earning smart people who are clueless about certain aspects of life, and who are open to this approach.
I’ve consulted and worked freelance for a number of years to have more flexibility and time for my kids and totally get where you are coming from. And don’t worry about what Dean says. That boy needs help. 😉
Best of luck!
Aw, man I really thought you were pregnant by your title again. But still I know if anyone can get things done it is you, my friend. I truly have faith in you and know that if anyone can make this idea happen it would be you!! 🙂
Corporate life is not compatible with raising kids. You basically sit in the office while your kids are awake, and then be home when they are about to go to bed. I work 40-60 hours a week but at odd times like 8-11pm is my productive time, and sometimes I wake up at 2am so that I can focus.
You are talented. You can figure out how to make a living by being a small business owner. We can chat about more details if you’d like to.
Corporate life is not compatible with raising kids. You basically sit in the office while your kids are awake, and then be home when they are about to go to bed. I work 40-60 hours a week but at odd times like 8-11pm is my productive time, and sometimes I wake up at 2am so that I can focus.
You are talented. You can figure out how to make a living by being a small business owner. We can chat about more details if you’d like to.
yes exactly! i’m barely around for my son’s active hours. it’s very conflicting. it seems to be ok for men since they dominate my field and don’t seem bothered about not seeing their kids; whereas i’m running from the bus or ferry to get one more minute with franco. literally running! add to the fire, that i’ve become much more risk-averse since becoming a mother. i’m too conservative to make a change. i would love to chat more.
How cool. Based on the definition I could someday be pregnant too! In my humble opinion it is a good idea. It’s kind of like a life coach, but on a non-ongoing basis. Just quick hits. I will say that that my initial thought on life coaching is that it would have to be someone with credentials (i don’t know in what though) in order to be legit, however I think there is life coaching schools etc, and in this day and age of internet and social media I think a lot of doors have opened up for people to really be in business for themselves in a number of different ways that might not have seemed possible before. I’m trying to be objective and think about if I would actually pay for and use a service in which I could get unbiased opinion on whatever on question by question basis. I think yes, but also think it would come down to price. It is always what the market will bear. And that being said, that would also be a factor in determining how lucrative of a side biz it would be.
Cece, you can be pregnant someday with either definition. I actually could have gone either way on having a kid.
you bring up some great points about the business, cece, as it’s a matter of whether or not people would find value in what you say to them. is it helpful, insightful, worth it? i’ve done a lot of coaching, and it’s often great for a few sessions, but after that, it’s kinda like the same thing. everyone has different approaches which i really value, but after you tap into the insight, there’s really no point in continuing…or paying!
Yes. Times a million. The idea has legs anyway, but it’s YOU. It has a million legs. You know? Some people, I’d worry about. But you strike me as someone who always lands on her feet.
And yes, I have done that turnaround. I worked in an office for years and now I wouldn’t last a WEEK. Unless there were great snacks in the vending machine.
Do it.
That’s so nice of you to say! I think I’m going to try it.
I’m intrigued! I think you are highly qualified for what you are contemplating, and I’m sure there is a market for it. You are a no-nonsense, get-the-job-done kind of woman, and I know there are people who are looking for that.