1. People make mistakes.
The host Steve Harvey mistakenly announced the wrong winner. He owned up to it, took responsibility, and apologized a gazillion times. What else do people want him to do? Jump off a bridge? Get over it. Let’s move on.
2. Whoever produces the show should also take accountability.
Did anyone see Steve Harvey’s ballot card? The winner was at the bottom of the page in the same size font. Further, what antiquated award system announces a 1st runner up? Isn’t that really 2nd place?
Should be: Miss Universe at 1st place, 2nd place, and 3rd place versus Miss Universe, 1st runner up, and 2nd runner up. So confusing!
3. Intelligence is beautiful.
I didn’t watch the show, but after all the hoopla, I went back and googled the interview portions of the pageant. No doubt about it, Miss Philippines answered better than her competitors. I’m not saying she’s captain of the debate team, but her responses were less ditzy than the others.
4. All ethnicities welcome.
Prior to selling the franchise, Donald Trump had disqualified Miss Japan and Miss Philippines, who are mixed race, because they weren’t representative of their countries. Aren’t all of us a mix of various races? Does that mean Miss USA has to be Native American? If there’s a place where someone was raised or where they draw their identity from, then that should be their home country.
5. Rainbows after the rain.
Because of the mishap, the competition has gotten more press that it has in its history. That’s a good thing for everyone involved. Some contestants are acting like the world has come to an end. All these women have brains, right? And employable skills? Or at least trophy wife material?
6. There’s nothing wrong with beauty pageants.
Some are questioning why in our post-modern world, we are still honing in on and critiquing women’s bodies. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it, any more than I see a problem with advertisements or fashion magazines or supermodels. Or parents submitting pictures of their kids to Gap. Beauty pageants are fun and entertaining. Something to watch besides Keeping up with the Kartrashians!
I think Steve Harvey handled his mistake as well as he could, and I agree with you – move on. I turned on the television just as the newly crowned Miss Colombia was waving to the crowd. I do feel for her, but she is a grown woman and her life will go on.
It is telling that I immediately got on Twitter to see what was happening…social media is always the faster way to get information. It may not be accurate, but it’s fast.
miss colombia is gorgeous. she will survive!
hey dana, i got “schooled” by a friend of mine who said that savings and investment properties are factored into FAFSA, so essentially i’m still screwed. retiring early still eliminates parental income, but not exactly sure what the difference would be if we counted our 2 annual incomes versus zeroing those out.
I didn’t watch, but I also agree from what my husband told me from what he saw online that he handled it as well as he could. And your lessons from this were spot on, too Catherine.
thanks janine! all the contestants are gorgeous, so they will be perfectly fine 🙂
Amen on #4, sister! Like you, I didn’t watch the show. I read about it in a Facebook post of an article. This is great publicity for the Miss Universe organization, and I think Miss Columbia is an example of good manners in a bad situation. I can’t guarantee I would’ve been as gracious!
I didn’t watch but from what I saw online, I completely agree. He made a mistake. Why are we all wasting precious time talking about it anyway? I can imagine we can all move on and should!