When was the last time you read a classic? A real classic novel.
I recently finished Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov and it blew me away. I couldn’t believe I’d never read it before. It’s truly a masterpiece. It was never something I was interested in reading, thinking it was pornography in prose. It’s not. It’s very smart and a study in psychology because the book kinda plays a head-trip on you. Even though you know the narrator isn’t someone to be trusted, you start to feel sorry for him, and in the end start rooting for him. Very trippy.
Full disclosure: I did not read it. It was read to me by Jeremy Irons who did the most impressive reading I have ever listened to ever. Best audiobook of all time.
“The Fault in Our Stars.” “Gone Girl.” “The Help.” We’ve all read these books and they’re ok, maybe good, but they’re not exceptional. So why do we limit ourselves to what everyone else is reading? I’m not propositioning that everything we read must be Shakespeare or Ayn Rand or Faulkner, but every once in a while…can we try? Classic literature deserves our time and these books are great for a reason.
I urge you to suggest a classic for your next book club choice and let me know how it goes. Here’s a good site for reference.
What was the last classic novel that you read?
What was the last book that you read?
How does your book club choose what to read?
I agree and have actually read Lolita and was truly an exceptional read indeed and am very glad I did read it a few years back, too.
The last classic I read was over 10 years ago when I read Anna Karenina. It took me an entire summer. Lolita is on my reading list. You’ve inspired me to read it next. Thanks for the inspiration. Many people list Lolita as one of their favorite reads.
Agree with you on the Help, Gone Girl, etc.
I love classics (was an English major in college) but don’t read them often enough. The last great classic I read was a few years ago when i took To Kill a Mocking Bird with me to Hawaii. It’s crazy I had never read it but oh my was it great. I’ve got a few queued up but will add Lolita to the list. 🙂
Yeah I need to get on that.. That sounds like a great book maybe I’ll get the audiobook of it.. I need tot ry out a subscription because I’m not going to lie I don’t have the attention span or time to read on my own. Glad you enjoyed the book and have a great weekend Catherine! -Iva
I just read “The Nightingale” by Kristin Hannah. As for the last classic.. is “Cutting For Stone” a classic?
I just finished “Circling the Sun” – it will be out next month. It was just okay. I added Lolita to my Audible wish list – thanks!
I can’t remember the last classic that I read; I’m not usually a fan. But my daughter has to read Jane Eyre and Invisible Man this summer for English, and I may read one too.
Read Lolita a while back..you know me, I’m all about the classics. Thank you for posting the list, I’ve bookmarked it. xo