On Tuesday I didn’t leave the office until 7:30pm, only to get on a conference call later on that night until 11pm, and then I checked my Blackberry every couple hours before returning back into the office at 4:45am. Good times, I tell you! Good times.
This is a quick post to let you know I’m still alive and hope to be back to my normal self and schedule soon. I swear I’m seeing stars as I type this right now. My pillow is calling me.
Check out these Christmas pictures of my baby and my husband. Unbelievable, right? There’s no denying who the baby daddy is!
Franco, at 7 months, is on the left – taken this past December at the Fashion Square mall in Scottsdale.
Dean, at 8 months, is on the right. Not sure where that picture is taken.
Don’t they look exactly the same?!
Wow, you definitely can’t deny it and Franco looks exactly like Dean!! Incredible resemblance. Hope you get to rest and relax a bit this upcoming weekend 😉
janine, i hope you had a wonderful holiday weekend! i am going to play catch-up with my blog reading this week.
Cutsie patootsie little man you have there! Hang in there, hun. <3
thank you nikki! i hope you had a great holiday weekend 🙂
Wow they look identical!!! That’s amazing 🙂 Genetics is a wonderful thing. Take your rest and enjoy it! Happy Friday Catherine! -Iva
hi iva! yes genetics is amazing. i actually don’t mind that he doesn’t look one bit like me! glad that my son looks just like my husband. hope you had a great holiday weekend!
Wow! They look incredibly alike. That is amazing. Scarlet used to look like my baby photos. Actually she still looks like I did at her age but I can see her veering off in another direction.
i agree that scarlet looked just like you as a baby, but is starting to become her own person. des, in my mind, looks like you right now!
Adorable! They look so much alike. Hopefully, you got some rest this weekend.
thank you lori! i hope you had a great holiday weekend. i plan on catching up with my blog reading soon!
That amazes me that you even took a second to post with those crazy working hours! All three of my kids came out looking like my husband. Not fair! After all that work for 9 months, I got no credit. Although someone told me that it stems from prehistoric days where the babies look like the father so that the cavemen knew that they were truly the baby daddy. Haha!
gracielle, i think as your kids age they will look more like you. they always change; its strange that way. i hope franco continues to look like my husband. would be pretty weird if he started to look like me now! yes i’ve definitely heard that about babies tending to look like the fathers. totally makes evolutionary sense!
Amazing!! Even the same expression! Hope things calm down for you soon! Mama needs her rest!
yes, that expression is uncanny. thank you mo. mama definitely needs her rest! looking forward to catching up on your blog.
They DO look just alike. So cute!!! My son and I look alike but when comparing baby pics he looks just like my mom.
hi kenya, isn’t uncanny?! the fact that my son and my husband have the same expressions is unreal. thank you for commenting. i look forward to catching up with all of my blog reading soon!
Wow, that is amazing! My boys were like that as babies. My daughter once brought a picture in to school to show a teacher that knew them both to see if she could tell the difference. They looked exactly alike when they were little. Now they don’t, but it was pretty crazy back then.