I wanted to share Jon Stewart’s thoughts on the government shutdown.
While his views are anti-Republican, I must note that I am neither Republican nor Democrat; I’m independent. I vote by analyzing the issues and how politicians stand on those issues versus voting down ridiculous party lines. Never made any sense to me.
But what Jon Stewart has to say brilliantly summarizes the mess that we are in. Listen up Red: we already voted on Obama Care. It’s the law, stupid!
Patrick weseman
That is so very true.
I am an odd duck, equal parts progressive and paleolithic.
I think it is shame what is going on in Washington over the last few years. I have my own thoughts and theories about the stuff going on right but I will not post them as I do not want to start a political war.
I will say this Obamacare is the law. A certain segment of the Republicans in the House have tried to repeal it 41 times. They failed each time. This segment has not even gained the support of their own party in trying to ditch the law. Also, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld it in June.
Let it suceed or fail on its own. That is the true test of the law.
patrick, i totally agree. we voted on it! the fact that the U.S. didn’t have a comprehensive health care plan to begin with is absurd. let’s at least try it out!
Janine Huldie
I love Jon Stewart, because seriously I couldn’t have said this better myself if I tried. I also am not a republican or democrat, but still it is a law and our government is shutdown for what? Just crazy and god only knows how other countries are viewing us now. Thanks for sharing this, Catherine.
that’s great, janine. love that you’re neither elephant nor donkey. that means you’re an independent thinker. great minds think alike.
Lmbo! From the beginning to the end, my sentiments exactly. I am independent. I have no idea why we’re playing this game of “my ish is bigger” when the law was upheld in 2012, so why at the end of 2013 are we pretending that it’s feasible to put the breaks on this little thing called the law? Bet Congress wouldn’t go without adequate healthcare coverage and a paycheck…
i really just want to scream. i feel bad and sad and angry at congress all at the same time. why can’t we just collaborate and work together?! how hard is it!
Whenever he talks, I remind myself that not everyone in this world is insane! I am more in the middle these days. I used to be one thing, but the party lines are so comically exaggerated that it’s very difficult to be on one side or the other, fully.
tamara, i totally agree with you. i have so many friends who say that they’re liberal republicans or conservative democrats. it’s pretty funny.
The Dose of Reality
Bwahahahahahahaha. EXACTLY!!! I can’t stay up to watch Jon Stewart each night, but I DVR the show to watch back on the weekend. He never fails to nail the absurdity of politics.
I find this government shut down especially irking. THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT IS ALREADY A LAW…we’ve had an election where it was the centerpiece and it even went to the Supreme Court. There is nothing to negotiate on with this! GAHHHHHHHHHH!!! Oh, and also GAHHHHHHHH! It was nice to have a reason to laugh about this instead of having my blood pressure spike! –Lisa
right lisa? can we just please move forward with implementation instead of fighting what the country and the supreme court has already decided on? the U.S. can be so ass-backwards. it makes me really sad.
I’m not into talking politics online because nothing good ever comes of it, but I want term limits! I don’t believe what is happening in Washington today is what our Founding Fathers intended, and it’s not what I want either. I don’t believe in career politicians. I believe politics is something you do to serve your country and community, and it seems like today it’s all about power and perks for these people who have no clue what life in the real world is like.
michelle, that is a good point. it’s so easy to get sucked into the power of it all that you’re no longer sensitized to what is best for your constituency. it’s only about what it takes to get re-elected. then after that, just sitting on your laurels and collecting a paycheck. there really needs to be goals met in order for re-election.
Stefanie @ The Broke and Beautiful Life
I’m obsessed with Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert. I watch almost every episode. Perhaps that’s one of the reasons I’m an ultra-liberal. At least I know it 🙂
well they say that people on the coasts tend to be the most liberal! i’m fiscally conservative and socially liberal which makes me libertarian. but yeah, jon stewart and stephen colbert…those guys speak the truth.
One thing that struck me – all the talk of “us and them.” We are one country, and we just can’t work together for a common goal.
it is so sad, dana. it makes me sad to be an american considering how our politics plays out. the fact that politicians (who we elected) are passing laws and making decisions about our country and that they cannot collaborate is really pathetic.
Kristi Campbell
I hadn’t seen this before and LOVE LOVE LOVE it. But well, I mean I love it because hello truth and I hate it because hello truth. I cannot believe the sh!t that is still now (almost a week later) going down. My hubs works for US gov’t. So they’re paying him overtime last week to say who doesn’t need to be “essential.” Now? He’s “essential” and working and not getting paid while 80% of the workers have been sent home. They are analyzing the stuff that is going on in the not-happy parts of the not-happy. The republicans are ____________ up everything. So so so glad you shared this!!!!
thanks kristi. i try to always form unbiased opinions based on the facts and take pride in being open-minded. a while back i was actually a registered republican, but love the clintons so much (as they are just absolutely brilliant humanitarians), so went independent to campaign for hillary. but the facts are the facts, and i have been really peeved with what has been going on in congress.
Hey Catherine! I couldn’t agree with you more! I’ve NEVER voted a straight ticket, because each party has it’s faults. You shouldn’t judge a candidate by what party he/she belongs to, but by what he/she stands for. It’ll definitely cut down on all the crazy mudslinging. Thanks for sharing! Have a wonderful week!
Michell @Prowess and Pearls
YES, YES, YES! every party and candidate will have their strengths and weaknesses. why bind yourself to one party when the issues change with every election. thanks for commenting michell!