When my husband Dean and I realized we had fertility issues, the topic that came up the most was IVF. The discussion didn’t center around whether or not to consider it, but became a matter of when we would start the process. After trying other methods, doctors made it clear that IVF was our last resort. It’s hard, though, to give credence to the doctors’ recommendation when their wages are buoyed by desperate women opting to spend tens of thousands of dollars on continued and expensive fertility treatments.
Friends and family were even more insistent:
– “Have you looked into IVF?”
– “When are you going to do IVF?”
– “We did IVF, you should try too.”
– “Everyone I know has done IVF, are you checking that out?”
Everyone, of course, had our best interest at heart. They are empathizing with us:
– “We have children; we want you to have children too.”
– “IVF made it possible for us to have children, therefore it is worth it.”
I think a lot of people get caught up in their emotions and the longing to have a child that they don’t take a step back to evaluate.
Deciding on IVF
Is having a child worth it? Yes, of course! Having a child is worth every last dime, every single pill and injection. But instead of asking whether IVF is worth it, legions of hopeful mothers should be asking, what can it do for you?
Dean and I have been told we are the perfect candidates for IVF. I have PCOS, an endocrine disorder which causes irregular periods, if I even menstruate at all. Dean has low sperm count and low sperm quality. Nothing to be ashamed of, simply the cards we were dealt. But what does that mean to be the perfect candidates for IVF? The only data women access currently are IVF success rates based on age—averages that are highly variable and shouldn’t be used as a proxy for each unique situation.
Univfy solves the unknown by giving customers a personalized report, detailing chances of success with a probability of live birth. The probability is calculated by comparing each couple’s clinical profile to large datasets of known IVF outcomes. The calculation also has a very low 1.5% prediction error. I urge you to be informed. If you are considering IVF or thinking about doing IVF again, take the Univfy IVF Prediction Tests which have been proven to be accurate.
Federal Trade Commission disclosure: Although I was compensated for this post, I contacted the company, asking to share my experience through this post, after having a positive experience with the service and because I am a firm believer in the science and research behind it.
Very interesting and I honestly didn’t know too much about this, but does sound like a viable option. If you do end up using, I hope you will share your further experiences if you feel comfortable in doing so.
Absolutely Janine, I will absolutely share everything about my journey to parenthood.
I didn’t know about Univfy until this post. I have PCOS and had to see the infertility specialist to get pregnant with my second, but never had to go as far as IVF. I think it’s wonderful that you are making this company known. It sounds like they provide a very valuable service. I could not agree more…acting on data is far better than acting on stories. –Lisa
I was shocked I didn’t know about Univfy until someone mentioned it to me. They really need to get the word out and I’m happy to share the knowledge.
This is good information for people to have…my husband’s brother and his wife had problems and I know they explored this option. People need to be informed about what their options are!
Yes, Michelle, so many people I know are thinking about IVF or have done IVF. This is an accurate indicator that should help couples decide.