I was contacted to provide an honest review of the Flips Audio headphones in return for the product. The unique feature of the Flips Audio is that the headphones can flip out, turning into built-in speakers.
Ever since the headphones arrived in the mail, we’ve been obsessed. These are the best headphones I’ve ever owned. I use them every day in the office to tune out coworkers having loud conversations or to listen to work-related videos and podcasts. The earcups comfortably fit around my ears and I don’t have a problem wearing them for long periods of time.
The headphones have become a traveling staple for our household. I own a dented 1998 Honda Civic with a basic stereo (i.e., the radio). Sure I can go out and buy all the bells and whistles of an expensive new stereo, but why when Dean and I can now plug the headphones into his iPhone, flip them out, and listen to our favorite music with the speakers. We tested the sound quality of the iPhone speakers versus the Flips Audio, and the Flips Audio headphones/speakers combo definitely won out.
Dean brought these to movie club, and shared the music he was listening to by flipping the headphones out. In the future, I can see us bringing these to a picnic or pool party, flipping out, and dancing wildly! So fun.
Here is a special offer for my readers. The Flips are really well-priced for the sound quality alone; it is an added perk to have convenient, traveling speakers at your fingertips.
Get $10 Off on Flips Headphones
Plus Rush Shipping Upgrade FREE
Enter Code: FA0010INT
This Offer is exclusive to purchases made online at www.flipsaudio.com and valid from June 12, 2013 through July 16, 2013.
Each unit purchased will receive $10.00 Off the online retail price plus we’ll “upgrade” your shipping from ground to Rush 3-Day at no additional cost to you. This Offer is unlimited in quantity and cannot be combined with any other offers.
Oh thank you Catherine for sharing and am heading over to check these out!! 🙂
Thank you, birthday girl, Janine!
Thanks for the review. Love the last photo (assuming that’s Dean?).
Yes that is my hubby Dean flipping out with our new Flips!
My hubby would love these! Am emailing myself this link so I can remember at Christmas! :)-Ashley
Thanks Ashley! You never know what you’re missing until you experience it. These are actually a pretty cool gift.
These look really cool! Might be a very good present….
My husband is addicted to the headphones!