We went for a hike up Ring Mountain on Saturday. It’s so weird to live in a place for as long as I have and to discover completely new terrain. Ring Mountain sits atop the billion dollar homes in the Tiburon hills. There are like crazy mini White Houses behind gated fortresses in this neighborhood. Ritzy!
Ironically, across the hill on the other side of the bay is a place close to Johnny Cash‘s heart…San Quentin prison. Yeehah! See it up close and center in the 3rd picture below.
Two things that make this open space preserve special: 1) million dollar views of the Bay Area, including San Francisco, and 2) a unique geology of soil so toxic to most plants that the ones that do survive are extremely rare. At the very top of the mountain is Turtle Rock which rock climbers frequent.
That really looks like a great hike! I love hiking in the summer time and I agree, it’s very cool when you find new places right near your home!
Yes, it’s definitely hiking season.