You know how they say there aren’t bad dogs, just bad dog owners. I believe that to be 100% true.
Analogously, there aren’t homegrown evil terrorists, just fucking bad parents! Why is it that when we learn who’s involved in the Boston Marathon bombings or the massacre at Newtown, it’s no surprise that the parents of the brothers no longer reside in America and that the isolated gun-loving Adam Lanza came from a broken home.
What father or mother would leave their teenage son (Dzhokhar Tsarnaev) in America while they decide to leave and return to Russia? Who does that?! Via telephone interviews, the father is denying his sons can be involved. He calls them angels. They hate guns. Well, hello, your precious kids not only had bombs strapped to their backs but also gunned down people. How is the father qualified to give a character assessment of his children when he isn’t even present in their lives! FAIL! Their father, their mother, their family members have all failed in their duties and responsibilities. I now turn to the sister who lives in New York. She too is surprised and heartbroken, yet hasn’t seen her brothers in years! What sister who lives nearby has not seen her own flesh and blood in years? FAIL-FAIL-FAIL! It makes me sick. I swear, these people have blood on their hands.
My parents were all in my business. They knew what activities I was involved in. They knew who my friends were. They knew my friends’ parents. They didn’t leave anything to chance. I mean, that’s what it takes to raise good kids: good, community-oriented, law-abiding citizens. Parents who care. That’s all it takes.
Do your job, parents! If you leave your kids to fend for themselves in a foreign country, don’t be surprised when you turn on the news and your kids’ faces are flashing on the screen as suspects. Care enough to really know your children. KNOW YOUR CHILDREN. It’s not hard. It’s not rocket science. It’s called parenthood. Have some accountability.
Great post. You are so spot-on.
You know what’s odd? When the child is a minor and behaving badly, we look at the parents with a scolding look. When a same child becomes an adult and behaves badly, we look at the parents with sympathy.
When THE same child…
thanks deeley-o! call me the disciplinarian, but i have no sympathy for even parents of adult children who turn out poorly. we have numerous resources (mental health, schools, teachers, counselors, therapists) available. it is not hard to do some research and get your child help. haha, look at me. i’m not even a parent and i’m doling out the advice. again, it’s common sense, people!
Yep, my mom was all up in my business. I probably have intimacy issue WRT relationships, but at least I’m a contributing member of society!
let’s all give a shout out to our nosy, over-bearing parents that we turned out alright and didn’t become cold, calculating homicidal murderers.