Yo my redesign is complete. There are still kinks to be worked out, including the advertising, but this is like a full-fledged blog now. In fact, you can even subscribe to my posts via email.
How do you do it? Type your email into the sidebar on the right and click the pink Subscribe button.
What exactly will happen? My awesome posts conveniently emailed to you.
How good are my blog posts? Good enough that 300+ unique readers visit my site on a daily basis! Cut out the extra web browser middle man and get my honest-to-goodness free advice delivered to you seamlessly.
Ready for my first free give-away? Ok, technically, this will be the second and third free give-aways since I’ve decided my very first subscriber should get something too.
For the 50th and 100th readers who sign up (I won’t say how many subscribers I have right now because then you’ll try to game the system), I will be giving away something that I’ve written about in my blog that anyone (any gender, any age) would appreciate, and that’s valued at $50+.
Cmon don’t be shy. I know all y’all read my blog so please don’t think I think you’re stalking me by subscribing. Hello, this is a public blog. Tons of people read it. You are not alone. Sign up and subscribe. It’s good for you!
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