I am thankful for:
My health. Because even when I’m sick, I know it’s only temporary.
A husband who is the best animal imitator. He cracks me up every day with the most random things that come out of his mouth.
My family. For parents who stay up past midnight doing my laundry (and Dean’s!), do my Costco shopping, cook and tupperware us food, and wash my car.
A career in a field that’s exciting and relevant with products and services that every single person in the world needs and can benefit from.
Friends who I’ve shared magical memories with: from growing up in Alameda, cramming late night for exams, traveling all around the world, complaining about work, riding around in an art car exploring the playa, or drinking and eating way too much. Friends I see in-person and those I interact with virtually. I have always felt so supported by my friendships.
Our home in San Francisco. This is the best place I’ve ever lived.
I am thankful to God for all of the above, for keeping me and my family safe and healthy, and for always giving me what I needed when I needed it.
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