I’ve had this article on my desk for a few weeks and have been meaning to write about my outrage. This is about the cheerleaders at Kountze High School in Texas who were making banners that included Biblical verses. The school banned them from doing this, the parents sued, and a judge agreed with the parents. A full trial is expected in June.
Hello, separation of church and state? I swear to God, there is something downright cuckoo with Texans—a bunch of righteous, close-minded, religious zealots.
The cheerleaders and their supporters say this is a matter of free speech, that they should be allowed to exercise their first amendment rights. But cheerleaders are essentially representatives of the school (a public school for that matter) and have no place in flaunting religious messages at school events. I don’t think these same cheerleaders and parents would take too kindly with a group of women shrouded in burkas, waving flags that carried verses from the Koran!
The judge who sided with the parents should be shot. Governor Rick Perry also endorsed the decision, which goes to show what a retard he is. Oooops!
To me, this is so clearly wrong, I cannot believe we have to wait until next year to have the decision overturned and the ban reinstated.
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