To make up for working like a mad woman for the past week, waking up before dawn, guzzling Diet Coke like it was going out of business, and eating hoards of highly-caloric goodies, I forced myself to stay awake until 10pm (walking around the apartment, plucking my eyebrows, switching between reading Vanity Fair and watching the VP debate), passed the hell out, then didn’t wake up until 9am. 11 hours of blissful REM sleep. Do people my age ever get 11 hours of sleep?
Between the long work hours, Litquake, the playoffs (I heart the Oakland A’s), and the VP debate, I’ve barely had time for my typical restful night sleep. Ahh, the perks of being childless. Anywho, I’m back in the game and really excited to finally get outside and have some fun. I’m also committed to writing and blogging more, and reevaluating my online presence. So many resources and a ton of knowledge out there that I want to take advantage of. Hopefully you’ll see me making some constructive changes and I promise to share what I learn with you. Stay tuned! I’m going to end this year on a high note.
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