Just back from vacation, just in time to buy a brand new laptop. After eight years, my MacBook was on serious life support. By life support, I mean I’m constantly powering it off and on every couple hours because it stalls. Worse than a dial-up connection.
Before making this major purchase, I did as much research as I could bear for a holiday weekend. I checked the Apple site using my company discount, sifted through Amazon, and culled Craigslist for key words: brand new MacBook Air. Someone was selling a new, unopened, shrink-wrapped laptop for $1000 but he dodged the question when I asked if he could provide the receipt. Yeah thanks buddy, not really into buying a refurbished Mac.
Ended up finding the cheapest price for my MacBook Air on the B&H Photo website http://www.bhphotovideo.com/ plus free shipping and no tax (I think because they only have a store in NYC). It was $150 less than the same model on Amazon.
For some very strange reason that I could not resolve, I’m not able to access Facebook on my home computer. Hopefully a new laptop will do the trick.
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