A follow up on my previous post. We have leftover stuff from merging two households and from pruning unnecessary items. All of it sits in a storage area below the garage in my condo building. If you’re looking for ways to earn cash, sell your shit.
I posted an antique chair on Craigslist for $450 (which is what we paid for it). I was surprised at how quickly I got responses. The buyer ended up negotiating me down to $400 which was fine by me. What’s even more interesting is the conversation I had with the buyer when she came to pickup the chair.
“Are these other things for sale here?” She asked.
“Umm, yeah, I guess. Sure. Do you like something?”
“What about for the pair of yellow chairs?
“I’ll take $100 for them.”
“Oh, hmm, I’d have to go to the bank. I like them. Hmmm, let me think.” She walked around the storage room, eyeing other items. “Why don’t you have this other stuff up on Craigslist?”
“Honestly, I’m surprised you’re interested. A lot of this stuff is old. I’ve had those chairs for at least five years. I lent them to my neighbor who had a dog. A corner of the cushion is torn up.”
I had to go back to work so I rushed her out of there, but she was on the brink of buying more junk. There is a market out there for your crap!
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