While I’m waiting for my pictures to download, I should share some news that my 70-year-old aunt has stage 4 lung cancer. She fell while vacationing in the Philippines and the cancer was detected via x-ray. She came immediately back to the U.S. for treatment, but not responding well to chemo. If we can all say prayers for her.
Situations like these make me extremely sad and I think, why always my family. But I have a big family which means greater probability so I shouldn’t think that way. I also start to think rashly like I should go ahead and commit to all the trips I’ve been conjuring in my head: Galapagos, overly-expensive Greece, why not? Go away again this weekend even if we did just get back from NYC.
Then I get real and ask myself, are you happy right now, in this moment? I am. I like my work, my husband, our shared experiences. Tonight we’ll go to Trader Joe’s, make a salad, sit on the couch, and read. I couldn’t imagine a fuller life.
I think back on all the jobs I’ve had and how, for the most part, I really liked what I did. Startup? Sign me up again. Banking? Love this industry. In contrast, there were two jobs I hated. I hated being an environmental consultant. I hated doing finance for Cisco. ABHORRED. I cannot imagine enduring 40 hours a week doing something you don’t love. Yet there are so many who do it. After I finished one year at the consulting firm, I quit. Quit without another job lined up. One of the best decisions I ever made.
There are so many unemployed, sick, people going through distress. I hope we all make changes (even little ones) so that every day is one where we could go to sleep and be ok with not waking up.
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