By now we’re all completely infuriated by the Sandusky scandal, but what really gets my blood boiling are the insensitive people who protested in support of coach Joe Paterno. My God! They are just as bad as the administration who covered up the sexual abuse. These are people who value sport, championship, and legacy over the well-being of children. Disgusting. They make me want to fly out there and give each one of them a thousand lashings.
At church on Sunday, I spent the whole Mass slumped over in a pew, but still listening.
The gospel was a parable about a master who gave each of his three servants a bag of gold. I’m paraphrasing here, but two of the servants doubled the master’s wealth and were rewarded. One servant took the bag of gold and essentially buried it. Tada, there was no wealth generation and the master severely castigated him. You can deduce that the point of the parable is to fucking make something of your life. Don’t be a useless nobody clueless on how to cultivate your inherent talent.
I truly admire the priest who gave a homily that spoke to current events, to something that we were all thinking about, and how we can learn from the scripture. He said that God will be judging Sandusky as he judges all of us. And who do you want to be? Do you seek God’s favor, or do you not?
I’m also proud of him for saying this:
“I want you to hear this from a priest, a catholic priest. If you ever see a child being abused or touched in any inappropriate way, go to the police. Don’t tell your superior, or a priest, or a confidante. Go to the police. A crime is being committed.”
He prefaced that by saying the priests at St. Dominic’s have to go through rigorous screenings, attend child abuse training classes, etc, but yeah look where that’s gotten the catholic church. Uhh, nowhere. So again, I’m so glad that he spoke up for the right protocol.
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