I haven’t had my hair cut in more than a year. So gross! I haven’t had any time. Seriously. On the weekends, salons are completely booked or I’ve been out of town or otherwise pre-occupied, like taking my nephews to Toys ‘R Us. When you keep pulling your hair back into a ponytail, you know it’s time to chop.
I signed up for a Bloomspot deal and made an appointment one month out. I’m pretty sure I could have gotten this same blunt cut in Chinatown for $15 versus $55 with the coupon. Also, the cut isn’t straight. One side is longer than the other. I pointed this out to the stylist before she finished. She made some more adjustments, but still wrong!
Regardless, I feel liberated and I look much better. I don’t think long hair suits me. A mid-length bob. That’s more me.
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