Speaking of passing away into the other world, I’d like to take this opportunity to talk about some rules. I was going to call this post Death Guidelines, but these items need to be strictly adhered to, so let’s call them rules.
1. I don’t do open kimono or open casket. I can’t think of anything worse than seeing people look anything less than their vibrant live self.
2. I’m all into cremation. No need to take up valuable space in this over-populated world. Take some or all of those ashes to Burning Man and make sure I go up in flames with the Temple!
3. Par-tay! I want all my friends and family to eat and drink while remembering me. It would be great to have all my favorite foods: my mom’s lumpia, my aunt’s gumbo, my aunt’s spinach dip, lots of foie gras and pork belly, and carrot cake. Yeah! And ice-cream cake. Hell yeah!
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