My sophomore year of college, I wanted to get a tattoo. My mom didn’t just talk me out of it. She screamed me out of it. “You will not get a tattoo! Do not put a single mark on that body I gave birth to!”
At the time, I wish I hadn’t even said anything and gone out on my own. Ask forgiveness later-type of mentality.
Now that I’m an adult, damn am I glad I listened to my mom and she talked sense into me. I’m sure whatever cute design I would have picked at the age of 19 would be vulgar to me now. A permanent etching on your body. Thank God I listened to my mommy!
I can’t say I’ve seen in-person a tattoo that I really like. I can’t believe they’re fashionable! I do like that Lindsay Lohan has the word ‘breathe’ tattooed on her wrist. Has something to do with her asthma. I also like that it’s barely noticeable. I was thinking of doing something similar–a saying or some kind of text. But people have talked me out of that too.
What do you think about tattoos?
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How about this guy:
Mark, that’s very artistic! A permanent mural on your back. Yeehah!
I love tattoos. But only a very very select few of them. If they are true art or truly meaningful. I’ve wanted one for a while (which would be art and meaningful to me) but I’m torn. I want to get “Baruch Hashem” tattooed in Hebrew (which I think is a gorgeous script). It means “with God’s help” and I love the reminder to be humble and grateful and although Judaism is relatively new to me, the idea of humility and gratitude have been with me a long time so I feel safe in inking them on my body permanently. But Judaism prohibits tattoos so I’m trying to wrap my head around the idea that I would be humbling myself to God while essentially spitting in the face of the religion/language in which I’ve chosen to have a relationship with Him. If I can figure out a loophole with which I am content, I’ll get the tattoo. But in the mean time, I’m sitting tight.
Kristy, I had no idea that Judaism doesn’t allow tattoos. That’s very interesting. Do you know the reasoning behind that?
Catholics are supposed to abstain from meat certain times of the year. There are all different theories for why meat, but one big reason is because it was the main form of sustenance back in the day. So giving up meat was a true sacrifice. These days, that simply doesn’t apply so I refuse to follow these dated rules. I’d rather give up something truly important to me versus what the church says is important.