What is your biggest regret? Can you imagine what you would do if you had the opportunity to try again? Become a world-class athlete. Go into investment banking versus consulting. Not have married so young. Or started a family earlier. Remember the website PostSecret? Reading people’s dark secrets made me feel sad, happy, uncomfortable, thankful—all in one sitting.
My biggest regret is never having lived in New York. That’s it. I don’t regret being in some fucked up relationships. I don’t regret my school choices or my career path. During our trip to NYC, Dean and I even talked about the possibility. Live in NYC for a year or two, then move back home. We’ve talked about it several times. Granted, we’d blast through our savings and end up in a studio in the Tenderloin for the rest of our lives. For realz.
While in NYC, we got the news—ironically—that one of my closest friends is moving there in a couple months. Denial, anger, sulking. Dean got on the phone, “Just so you know, Catherine is sitting here pissed off because you’re leaving. But I can’t wait for you to leave. No more surrogay!”
I wasn’t reacting properly because now my only regret in life can sort of be fulfilled. I mean, I won’t be living there permanently. But considering the amount of vacation time I get, the cheap $280 flights, and a couch to surf, Big Apple, here I come.
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