A new year calls for new ways of doing things. Through the years I’ve taken several writing classes. It’s on my list of new year’s resolutions for 2011.
But instead of a typical writing class focused on writing well and getting published, I’m excited to take a blogging class that starts this coming Monday. The great thing about taking this class is that you my readers will be able to see how I’m progressing! Blogging is essentially writing so I’m not dismissing that side of things. But I think I’ve struggled with design and photography which is what the instructors specialize in.
In previous writing classes, publication was always centered around print. But blogs and social media is currently where communication is focused. I should have taken this blogging class years ago.
The class is work-intensive so I’m looking forward to re-energizing my neglected blog. It could be so much more! I know there’s a lot of potential I’m not tapping into.
And recently, writing the posts has become a bit of a chore. I think spicing it up will help me be even more passionate about my writing.
that sounds fascinating. who is teaching the class and how did you find it?
come to think of it, i’d be better off with one of those traditional, basic, how-to-write classes first. i somehow missed those opportunities in college. :))
I have enjoyed browsing through your posts. See you starting Monday in BYW!