I stepped on the scale this morning and I had lost 2.2 pounds. All because I refrained from eating chips and cookies for one day. Unbelievable. I thought today–day 2–I’d return to my highly caloric ways. I imagined myself staring at the vending machine at 3pm deciding on B8 the lavender-colored bag with a pair of Indians rowing for sweet maui onion or D2 the original red and orange-swirled logo for fritos.
But after a single day, the cravings had passed completely. I didn’t even care for breakfast after several glasses of orange juice, chocolate milk, and tea. Typically at 11am, I’m either warming up a meal in the microwave or scavenging around the cafeteria. Instead at noon, I felt fine with a couple handfuls of almonds. I had to force down a couple bites of tuna salad.
I came home and chomped into half a log of roquefort. When I sat down next to Dean in the living room, he asked, “Doesn’t it smell like trash in here?”
“That’s my mouth.”
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