I’m happy to report a financial milestone. We have saved enough for a down payment on another home! Whoop-whoop. The Lean Cuisines, Folgers coffee, dumbed-down wedding, and dented car are all worth it.
There are no plans to sell my condo on Geary. I expect that to continue paying for itself and earning us money. My real estate agent calls it my MooMoo because it’s our cash cow.
So I’ve been haphazardly looking at properties on Zillow. There are exceptional deals out there for nice places. But then I keep reverting to the NYTimes calculator on whether it’s better to buy or rent…and no matter how I spin it, we can’t justify buying a home. Our rent is $1,700 which includes parking. We don’t pay for utilities or water or garbage. We don’t have whopping property taxes due twice a year. And we’re a cool cable car ride away from work. Why buy?
I think buying property has been one big joke. In most instances, it’s better to rent than buy, so why were we told it was so important to buy a home? At least I was told that myth. Makes no sense.
We are about to sell our apartment on Russian Hill. 1915 Edwardian. Top floor walk up. City view. Bay windows, hardwood floors. Large one bedroom. GREAT PRICE. $450,000 Green X Hyde
email if you are interested. It goes on the Market next week.