Focus on realistic and measurable goals. Try breaking goals down into manageable and achievable steps.
Tell someone about your resolutions. Sharing your resolutions with others and writing each one down gives you a constant reminder to help stay on track.
Remember setbacks can be opportunities. Be realistic and anticipate obstacles in accomplishing your resolutions. Don’t forget to persevere and start again when necessary. You can achieve new behaviors over the course of the year.
Expect success. Create a clear picture in your mind of what accomplishing the resolution will look like.
Ever since a friend introduced me to the “One Word Resolution”, I prefer that so much to “traditional” resolutions. It can be anything, but try to find a word that you want to inspire your year.
My 2008 word was “Winner”.
2009 was “Sparkle”.
2010 was “Movement”.
2011 will be “Strong”.
I think that by cutting something down to the essence, you can focus on that one thing and approach it more holistically.
Happy new year!
Emily, I love that! My 2011 inspiration word will be Worldly.