I haven’t even watched the finale, but I’m going to go ahead and vote for Kyle Massey because he and Lacey are so fun to watch! More so than Jennifer “plastic surgery” Grey, Bristol “all nerves” Palin, and even Brandy because of her egotistical partner Max. They were both total cry-babies.
Kyle and Lacey have this fun-tastic vibe that makes you want to get up and dance along with them. They actually look like they’re having a lot of fun together during practice, unlike some of the other pairs, and their routines are full of energy. Love them! I hope they win!
As for the big brouhaha over Bristol Palin making it into the finals. Yeah, I thought Brandy was a better dancer, but it’s not all about that. It’s about your audience, the votes, and the appeal. It’s not so unthinkable that Bristol has a lot of appeal with a huge contingent of those who watch the show. Brandy was famous years ago. Bristol is famous now–as in 2009-2010. I can’t remember the last time before DWTS that Brandy was in the news.
So get over it, people. The voting was not rigged. If you don’t vote, then don’t friggin complain.
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