For the most part, I do like Goop – Gwyneth Paltrow’s website. So that equation is a bit mis-titled. But sometimes she launches into these health kicks that drive me batty. Like today, her post was on overcoming sugar addiction. Although it wasn’t about actual sugar addiction, it was about eating plain sugar…period. She even likens it to drug addiction. Her poor kids. They probably never had a birthday cake. Like Madonna, I think she’s a macrobiotic, exercise-addicted health nut.
I eat sugar–plenty of it. I don’t crash or become exhausted because of sugar. To most health freaks, I should be an example of what not to do. I eat fast food regularly. I eat chocolate chip cookies and cheesecake. I no longer exercise. Yet I am super healthy. Never a broken bone, never an overnight hospital stay. If you dared me to run a marathon on Sunday, I would do it.
Have your cake and eat it, too. Don’t listen to Gwyneth.
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