I like sports where women dominate–gymnastics and ice skating. So pretty! I also like watching sports when my friends are playing–basketball in high school, swim meets at Cal or hockey games in Chicago. So exciting! I like to think of myself as fairly athletic since I can mentally prepare myself to run races without the appropriate training. What adrenaline!
Otherwise, I’m no sports fanatic. In fact, I make fun of people who are sports fanatics as fat coach potatoes who couldn’t run around the block if their life depended on it. Pass me another beer!
But I’m now obsessed with the world cup. I saved tables in North Beach at 7am to watch America play. I wake up early to watch games. I take over the large conference room and watch at work. It’s easy to root for teams. Just pick countries you like!
Plus it’s not a waste of time because it takes up very little time. 90 minutes of playing time. Usually about two hours of watching. Not a problem, right? Why must football and baseball take 4-5 hours? (Don’t quote me on that timeframe!) B-O-R-I-N-G! Get a life right? Get your butt outside and go for a hike. Grab your buddies and play a game of flag football in the park. But 4-5 hours of pounding beers and grunting in a bar. I can’t think of anything worse.
World cup gets going again tomorrow. I’ve got meetings all day, but I’ll be refreshing my Blackberry and watching the post-game highlights. I can’t get enough.
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