My boss asked me today if I was going on a honeymoon right after I got married. Ummm, no. We’re paying for our wedding on our own (unlike your son). We’re paying for our honeymoon on our own (unlike your son). And you didn’t give me the raise I wanted, so, ummm, no. I’ll be here working my ass off for you prior to the wedding and as soon as I come back from the wedding. So there!
It actually hurts my feelings, so please don’t ask me again about the honeymoon!
How do people accumulate all this extra cash to be able to fund their own wedding and their honeymoons. THEY DON’T! Let me spell it out again. THEY DO NOT. Their parents pay for their weddings just like they did their college educations. And all is good in the world.
Here’s the kicker. You spend all this money to buy your friends a present for a wedding you can’t afford to attend. Then you buy your coworkers conciliatory gifts because their mom/dad kicked the bucket. But they can’t make it to your wedding, oh well! Good luck, congrats, enjoy! No present.
Thanks for caring even though I’ve stuck by you all these years.
Thanks and no thanks!
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