I’ll start with the bad news first. The bad news actually came at the very end of the weekend, when we were stuck at the Phoenix airport for four-and-a-half fucking hours. Before I complain, I want to point out two very poignant things. 1. As Vicky aptly pointed out, “at least we’re not stuck on the tarmac.” 2) I waited and waited and waited, but at least I did it in the company of friends. So that clearly lessened the boredom torture. I’ll throw in a third. 3) We all had good books to read. Saying that makes me realize I don’t budget enough time to read anymore. I barely commute to work. I used to do a ton of reading on the bus. And I’m engaged which means I spend a lot of time chit-chatting with my fiance or painstakingly trying to find something we agree to watch on TV since I detest TV with a passion. “Can’t we listen to classical music and read please?” Prior to engagement, I spent a lot of time on my red couch reading book after book after book. I also spent a lot of time on the toilet reading books and magazines. Oh, those were the days!
I was a Sedona virgin and I have to say, I HEART SEDONA! What a spectacularly beautiful city. We didn’t get in until very late Friday night so we didn’t get to see the gorgeous landscape until morning. One leisurely hike in perfect weather and I was smitten. The Bay Area is a great place for nature and being active, but in Sedona, it seems to be all-encompassing: the rusty rock, hiking trails galore, and those very natural-looking hot pink jeeps. I’m glad we got to do a short two hour Pink Jeep Tour. When I’m new to a place, I always like to get a little bit of an overview. We also got some great pictures during the tour overlooking the landscape.
Thanks to my wifie for getting hitched two weeks prior to my wedding and having a bad-ass bachelorette weekend. And when I mean bad ass, I don’t mean sloppy drunk, strip-tease, Vegas-style hangover. But good old-fashioned, natural fun. Loved it!
Sedona is amazing. I saw Joy on Monday night and she agreed it was an amazing weekend. I’m glad to hear you all had fun, even if the ending was a bit treacherous!