I have decided that there is nothing funner in this world than playing games. During my bridal party weekend, we stayed up until the wee hours playing Taboo, Apples to Apples, and Celebrity. I think the majority of us said that it was our favorite part of the weekend. If someone asked me what my favorite memory was from Burning Man 2009, I’d say it was playing Apples to Apples circled around a campfire. Keep in mind that I spend almost two weeks in the desert. So to say that I most treasured the night that my campmates threw down a bunch of cards and knocked back a few drinks is pretty friggin amazing. This past Friday night, a couple came over and we started playing charades. It was completely out of the blue and a total blast, jumping up and down, pointing, and murmuring non-words to our partners. Everyone should institute regular game nights with their family and friends. I can’t think of anything better in life.
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