I don’t think I ever realized that there were three minor holidays (Pi Day, Ides of March, and St. Patrick’s Day) over the course of four days. Insanity, eh? I was chatting with someone in line at the cafe today. He was a scruffy old man wearing all black garb and I joked, “Where’s your green? I assume you’re wearing green underwear.” I was decked out in a green tank top visible through my black dress and a three-leaf clover pinned to my dress.
He shook his head, “Nah, not even green underwear. But I’m not Irish so what do I care. You’re probably more Irish than I am.”
Ummm, yeah. I’m a dark brown, black-haired Asian and ummmm, yeah, totally Irish.
I think the really funny thing is that when I was joking with him, I touched his arm and asked, “Where’s your green?”
After our whole Irish conversation, he admitted, “I really liked that you touched my arm. That was really nice.”
Excuse me? I don’t count myself as one of those touchy-feely types so it was kinda weird to have this old guy telling me he liked how I was touching him. I felt perverted. I was thinking, Really? Do I really touch people when I converse with them? I hadn’t even thought about it. Never even crossed my mind. I guess I must do it second-nature.
What freaked me out even more was that he yelled across the cafe as I was leaving, “Hey you! I hope I see you again soon. I liked our conversation.”
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