Ok, no politics today so get your mind out of the gutter. But…
No one should be reading the San Francisco Chronicle because it’s a piece of shit. But I’m a born and bred Bay Area girl who grew up reading it (sadly) and have it bookmarked for trashy local news. Take one of the headlines for today: Revenge is sweet, and tall, on Broadway. Jllted (yes, that was misspelled on SFGate.com) lover of Oracle Co-President Charles Phillips tries to shame him by putting up billboards in N.Y and Atlanta.
Queue boiling rabbits a la Fatal Attraction. This executive had a mistress for 8 years. She went nutso when she found out he went back to his wife. So she paid for billboards featuring the two of them together and also hired a designer to create a web site filled with mementos of their love. We got a big kick out of the article here at work.
Speaking of trashy, who doesn’t love the Jersey Shore? OMIGOD! I happened upon it while running on a treadmill last night. It is da bomb with their witty snippets. I’m ready to spend my weekend watching old episodes. Where have you been my whole life? I was clutching my stomach cracking up last night. Snookie is my fave. She reminds me of a round version of myself, but so much more confident and fun! Hooray for cute, buxom brunettes and their fellas! Best TV eva!
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